Young Women Speaking the Economy

I.M.O.W. Team

Working in the Field (India)

Indian woman working in the field

Working in the Field
Bangalore, India. 2009. Digital.

A woman in a village in Gujarat, India, cuts coriander leaves in a field.

My work is about both Indian women's role in the local economy and their contributions to the global economy. Indian women are traditionally responsible for household chores like cooking, cleaning and looking after children, but most women work outside of the home as well. Many work in fields, harvest crops, weave and make handicrafts, and sell food and flowers; they also can work as managers, CEOs, lawyers, or government officials. India also has a huge informal sector where women work as domestic servants and trade goods among their friends and community. Like many women around the globe, they tend to take jobs outside the home while still completing the full-time job of running a household. Though women are now better represented in local governments, and more women are becoming educated, many women in India struggle to balance their lives inside and outside of the home.

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