
When democracy is in danger, or nowhere to be seen, women stand up and speak out, often at great risk to their own lives. Join us as we explore women's roles in fighting injustice, promoting equality and protecting the democratic process.

Discover the range of creative tools women employ to make their voices heard: an old-fashioned postcard and the instant click of a mouse are just two examples. Follow democracy as it blooms, nourished by free speech as well as forgiveness. Listen to our podcast with Malalai Joya, "the bravest woman in Afghanistan," and read Curator Masum Momaya's introduction to this topic.

Prosecutor Carla del Ponte hunted down Italian mafia bosses and Serbian war criminals Del Ponte Administers Justice  >>International prosecutor Carla Del Ponte hunted down Mafia bosses and war criminals. In the process, she become a symbol of justice for thousands of victims.
Artist Sheryl Oring developes performance piece as a catalyst for social change during U.S presidential elections Dictating Democracy  >>Interview: U.S. artist Sheryl Oring looks and acts like an old-time secretary at a manual typewriter, but her performance piece I Wish to Say connects passersby to the president.
politician and activist Dr. Rajaa Hadid Al-Khuzai established microcredit system for women in Iraq Reflections of Iraq  >>Doctor, politician and women's rights activist Rajaa Hadid Al-Khuzai talks about life before, during and after Sadaam Hussein's dictatorship. 
Observatorios de Transgresion Feminista is established by a group of women as a series of radio stations during the 2006 presidential elections in Sanidinista-dominated Nicaragua Democracy over the Airwaves  >>When a group of Nicaraguan women felt that their voices were being ignored, they took to the airwaves and the Internet in Observatorios de Transgresion Feminista.
the autobiographical comic Persopolis tells Marjane Satrapi's experience of the Islamic Revolution in the fundamentalist regime that followed in Iran Books on Democracy  >>Here's our choice for must-read books about democracy written by women from around the world. Check out our full list of books on women, power and politics.
Five women filmmakers document tales of democracy from Guyana to Tibet Films on Democracy  >>Five women filmmakers document tales of democracy from Guyana to Tibet. A selection from our comprehensive list of films by and about powerful women.
Global Democracy Day Initiative organization devoted to creating an International Day of Democracy staged a competition among young artists Drawing Democracy Worldwide  >>Community Voice: Global Democracy Day, Denmark
Young people around the world were asked to draw what democracy means to them. We feature the three winning entries.
Anahi DeCanio uses collage and the female form to explore the link between current political questions and women's equality Political Art in the Female Form  >>Community Voice: Anahi DeCanio, United States
Artist Anahi DeCanio uses collage and the female form to address political questions of the day, linking women's equality to issues of democracy, peace, security and human rights.
Norah Bagirinka is a  survivor of the 1994 genocide in Rwanda where 70% of the population is female  Forgiving Atrocities in Rwanda  >>Community Voice: Norah Bagirinka, Rwanda
Rwandan genocide survivor Norah Bagirinka talks about the extraordinary role women are playing in rebuilding her country. 
Remarkable women of the present and past are featured in a series of posters within the project "Women working for women"  that is exhibited throughout public urban spaces in Mexico Women Working for Women  >>Community Voice: María María Acha Rodríguez, Spain
This talented artist from Mexico creates bright, mixed-media posters to celebrate transformative women leaders from the Global South. 

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