"Exhibiting You" - Author
Global Democracy Day
City, State: København, KAbout Me:
The Global Democracy Day initiative is an alliance of popular groups and organizations from countries all over the world. The alliance is organizing a global campaign aiming at making October, 18 a universal day for action and debate on democracy.
The alliance does not subscribe to any particular way of organizing democracy but advocates for adherence to the core democratic values and for a broad based debate on how best to apply these values in the country specific context.
My I'm passionate about:
In 2007 the Global Democracy Day Initiative staged a competition for youth around the world to illustrate what democracy means to them. The three entries chosen as winners explore different applications of democracy, from gender equality in the home to the importance of individual participation, and are a fascinating look into what democracy means to young people from different walks of life.
On November 8th 2007, the United Nations adopted 15th of September as International Day of Democracy.