"Exhibiting You" - Author
Anne Sofie Roald
About Me:
I am a Historian of Religion, specialised in Islam, with extensive experience from fieldwork and research. My professional profile and research interests include Islamic movements, gender issues in Islam, Muslim immigrants in Europe, particularly in Scandinavia, and multiculturalism, religious minorities.
I have worked as a researcher and lecturer at Department of Theology at Lund University (1990-1999) and at International Migration & Ethnic Relations at Malmø University-College (from 1999 onwards).
I have been a guest lecturer at Wales University (1995-96) and at Al-Maktoum Institute for Arabic & Islamic Studies in Dundee, Scotland (2003-2004).
Since 2006 I have been the director of the programme Politics of Faith at CMI.
Current and recently completed projects:
The Moderation of Islamist Movements
Start: Jan. 2007 (Current)
Religious Dialogue and Peace-Building in Sudan
Start: Dec. 2006 (Current)
Politics of Faith
Start: Jan. 2006 (Current)