"Exhibiting You" - Author
Lidia Simeonova
City, State: Shelby Twp., MIAbout Me:
I was born and grew up in Bulgaria, and earned a Masters of Fine Arts from
Velico Tarnovo University of Fine Art. I have lived in Czechoslovakia and
Germany and came to the United States in 1994. My paintings have been in
many national and international shows, where I received recognition and
numerous awards.
Today my portfolio reflects a variety of mediums and style. My paintings
from Bulgaria differ greatly from what I produced in Germany or America. I
spent many years as an abstract artist, but the human figure has always
persisted in the creative process. Now human expression and relationships
are the leading thoughts when I take a brush or pencil.
I am trying to create work in which life and painting blend in a perfect
existential poem. I want to present the viewer with a harmonious,
contemplative image, which speaks to the spiritual complexities of our
Edmond Demirdjian