"Exhibiting You" - Author


City, State: san francisco bay, ca
About Me:
kellyannart.com |Kellyann Gilson Lyman Art & Design is where I produce designs, visual art & media, as a well developing abstract art lessons, which I teach. kellyannart.com archives my work body of abstraction, conceptual, photographic & commercial designs.

My I'm passionate about:
As a woman, I have always believed that if you want to accomplish anything, you lay a foundation and continue to learn and grow. This is change. My work reflects the positive aspects of humanity, offering the viewer to pause. The work is happy, colorist and in critique, indicated that the artwork should be in the public eye. I produce my own shows each year, & collaborate with other artists to promote artistic talent. I believe, I offer hope & positive practice toward completion in my quest for refinement in my art.

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