"Exhibiting You" - Story
Leadership Institute in Central America
By: Women's Learning Partnership
Submitted: 04/16/2008
The Institute brought together twenty-four participants from seven countries in the region: Brazil, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, and El Salvador. Facilitators included Malena de Montis, founder and current Board member of FODEM; Sonia Morin and Luz Veronica Flores, members of FODEM’s training team; and Amina Lemrini of Association Démocratique des Femmes du Maroc (ADFM).
Some of the topics discussed during the Institute included the Central American social and political context, dynamics of power, how to communicate effectively, how to attend to diverse interests, as well as developing a shared vision and plans of action. The first day of the Institute focused on women’s advancements over the past few decades and how they can presently access power in Central America. The conclusion participants’ reached was that women’s political participation is increasing but the quality of their participation is not at the level desired. They agreed that there is need for progressive women leaders who understand the economic, social and cultural quagmires women find themselves in, and discussed the characteristics of leaders we need to create real and lasting social change.