"Exhibiting You" - Story
We Want Peace in our Neighbour Iraq
By: imren Tüzün
Submitted: 07/08/2008
I created my version of the "Hand to Hand" project in Antalya, Turkey from July 30 to August 04, 2007. While in Antalya, I collected the news on Iraq that appeared in the Turkish Press and took the photos of hibuscus on my balcony. I was deeply upset by the written and visual news coming from Iraq. It became part of everyday life to see news such as, "several people have been killed in an explosion in Iraq," and then to forget immediately.
However, the events of those days left a deeper impression on me. I tried to overcome the distress I felt by praying each day for a Hibiscus flower to open on my balcony as a symbol for peace in Iraq.