"Exhibiting You" - Story
Stop Shark Finning
By: J Adanich
Submitted: 12/05/2008
The shark fins actually have no taste but simply add a supposedly "pleasing" texture to the soup. The shark fin soup was a delicacy during the Chinese Ming Dynasty (1368--1644). Since then, it has become a symbol of status and wealth.
As the Chinese economy and population grew, the demand for the shark fin soup grew as well. As a result, the finning of sharks has became a huge, and very profitable, industry. However, this industry needs to be regulated and these animals protected.
I want the viewer to walk away from my work understanding the reality of what happens out in the oceans. My sculptures almost beg the viewer to mentally answer the question: "How could one do this to a living, breathing animal?"To learn more about my art, visit www.adanichdesign.com.