"Exhibiting You" - Story

Is someone looking at me? Is someone looking at me?

By: Anjali Butley
Submitted: 06/02/2009

Women are very rigid in the idea of changing themselves. Whenever she wants to take baby steps toward change, her subconscious mind keeps asking “Is someone looking at me? What will they think?” She keeps thinking and thinking and overtime she kills her eagerness. The change she wants to do is good for her, her family and her society, but she is afraid to take action because she is worried that “someone is looking at her”. She builds walls surrounding her and never tries to change. She looks into other’s eye and gets that feeling that people will not accept the work she wants to do.

One day however, her inner voice tells her to take action, so she gathers all the courage within herself and takes action. She sees the confidence within herself while taking action.

Instead of thinking about others, she should only think about her good work. The good work done by her could change her own life as well as the people around her. Her good work would always be appreciated by others. People around her may not express it in words, but through their eyes they would like to thank her. They would pay respect to her. The women would continue to feel as if someone was looking at her, so she keeps on doing good work that will continue to change lives.

These expressions, I tried to express by drawing. Her subconscious mind transform from “is someone looking at me?” to “someone is looking at me!!”

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