Turlington Burns

"As a Global Maternal Health Advocate, my wish is that every mother receives the information, care and support that is her human right no matter where she lives..."
Christy's Selections
Curator's Statement: Christy Turlington Burns on Motherhood
I made the following selections based on the way we at Every Mother Counts, the advocacy and mobilization campaign I founded in 2010, seek to engage new audiences on the challenges and solutions to improve birth outcomes and reduce preventable maternal deaths.
As a Global Maternal Health Advocate, my wish is that every mother receives the information, care and support that is her human right no matter where she lives. I also believe in the Sisterhood of Motherhood and know that together we can make pregnancy and childbirth safe for all moms.
About Christy Turlington Burns
Christy Turlington Burns is the founder of Every Mother Counts, an advocacy and mobilization to increase education and support for maternal mortality reduction globally. In 2010, Christy directed and produced "No Woman, No Cry", a documentary film about the global state of maternal health. Prior to her work as a global maternal health advocate, Christy focused her activism on smoking prevention and cessation after losing her father to lung cancer in 1997. She collaborated on several public health service campaigns and launched an award-winning website, SmokingIsUgly.com in 2002. Christy is also an avid yogi and merged her love of the practice and writing to author her first book, Living Yoga: Creating A Life Practice (Hyperion 2002). She also founded two successful lifestyle brands; Sundãri, an Ayurvedic skincare line and nuala, a yoga inspired apparel and accessories line.
Get to Know Christy Turlington Burns
Learn more about Christy and why she's involved in IMOW's Curating Change.
- IMOW matters to me because...it's important for women to share their stories and inspire others to step forward and use their voices to contribute to a larger collective that can create lasting change in the world.
- A mantra to live by is..."The time is always right to do what is right." -Martin Luther King, Jr.
- My favorite place I ever visited was…the source of the Ganges River.
Take Action
Learn which causes and organizations matter most to Christy Turlington Burns and how you can connect with them.
I founded Every Mother Counts after the completion of the documentary film No Woman, No Cry. EMC is now an advocacy and mobilization campaign to increase education and support for maternal mortality reduction globally.
Amnesty International has done an incredible service in putting maternal mortality in the U.S. on the global map through their 2012 report, "Deadly Delivery." Together, No Woman, No Cry and this report were credited as the impetus for the Maternal Health Accountability Act of 2011, which aims to establish State maternal mortality review committees on pregnancy-related deaths occurring within such States; to develop definitions of severe maternal morbidity and data collection protocols; and to eliminate disparities in maternal health outcomes.
Vital Voices is an organization that trains women around the world to mentor other women and girls to be strong leaders.