Amina Doherty

"I feel compelled to ask questions, share experiences, tell stories, and to do that in a way that challenges oppression at all levels."
Amina's Selections
Curator's Statement: Amina Doherty on ARTivism
I think my art and my activism have always been one and the same. As an all-ways feminist, sometimes writer, self-taught painter, budding photographer with a growing interest in filmmaking, wannabe DJ, and cultural curator, I feel compelled to ask questions, share experiences, and tell stories--and to do that in a way that challenges oppression at all levels. In my art, I am particularly interested in exploring issues around identity and "belonging" vis-à-vis race, gender, and sexuality, together with ideas of love, community, justice, and freedom. I seek to document images, sounds, and stories that are often left out of mainstream narratives.
I chose these women because every woman I have ever known has had a story, and every story waiting to be told has been a truth waiting to be freed.
I chose these women because as women we have always shared heart-wisdoms through our creative expressions - through our music, art, dance, poetry, and prose.
I chose these women because women sharing our creative processes, motivations, and inspirations can be healing and restorative.
I chose these women because their art is their connection to the spaces around them, to their bodies, to each other.
I chose these women because through their art they show up accountable and speak on what they know to be true.
I chose these women because through their art like their activism is transgressive practice, it is personal and political, liberating and beautiful.
I chose these women because through their art we see women's worlds as they are, and the worlds that they imagine could be.
About Amina
Amina Doherty is a Nigerian feminist ARTivist whose work focuses on creative arts for advocacy. Amina brings to her activism a passion for music, art, travel, photography, fashion, and poetry. She has authored thought-pieces and been featured in publications such as The Feminist Wire, Afro-Elle Magazine, Q-Zine, Interrupt Magazine, The African Women's Development Fund Blog, The Body is Not an Apology and others. She is a member of several youth-led platforms, including CatchAFyah: The Caribbean Feminist Network, and has hosted an interactive video blog series called "Young Women Speak Out" on the Sylvia Global Media Network.
Amina is deeply committed to mobilizing resources and creating opportunities for other women. She has facilitated learning initiatives on women's rights, youth development, philanthropy, and economic justice. Prior to her role as general coordinator and one of the founding members of FRIDA | The Young Feminist Fund, Amina worked in the women's rights grant-making program at the Sigrid Rausing Trust in London. She currently sits on the boards of Just Associates and the Global Fund for Women.
In 2012, Amina was recognised by singer Annie Lennox as a women's rights "Champion for Change."
Amina has lived and studied in Nigeria, Antigua, Canada, and the UK. She currently lives in Kingston, Jamaica, where she writes, swims, and paints regularly. Connect with her on Twitter at @sheroxlox or Tumblr at followingherfootsteps.
Get to Know Amina
Learn more about Amina and why she's involved in IMOW's Curating Change.
- IMOW matters to me because... it is an incredible platform for women from around the world to share their artistic expressions and activist stories. IMOW is a digital arts space that brings to life the experiences and stories of women of all backgrounds. IMOW shows what women's movement building looks like in color.
- A mantra to live by... Live as though love is the beginning, middle and the end.
- I Exhibit Change By... Believing in the he(ART) in all of us.
Take Action
Learn which causes and organizations matter most to Amina and how you can connect with them.
FRIDA | The Young Feminist Fund is an initiative that funds and strengthens the participation and leadership of young women and trans* activists globally. I especially love FRIDA’s participatory grant-making process and collective decision-making approach which in the world of philanthropy is radical and visionary. As one of FRIDA’s founding members, I continue to be inspired by the groups we support and know that it is absolutely crucial for young women to do this work.
The Global Fund for Women has supported women’s rights organizing for 25 years through direct grant-making that supports and strengthens women’s groups around the world. As one of the oldest women’s funds, the Global Fund has led by example in the way it mobilizes and redistributes resources for women to develop creative solutions to local, regional, and transnational challenges.
Just Associates (JASS) is an international feminist organization founded by activists, popular educators, and scholars from 13 countries. Working with women and diverse organizations and social movements in 27 countries, JASS trains and supports activist leadership and grassroots organizing and builds and mobilizes alliances amplified by creative media strategies to influence change in discriminatory institutions, policies, and beliefs.
The Blue Mountain Arts Institute/Lil Raggamuffin Summer Camp is an international development organization working to nurture a global community of creative youth. Led by team of young professionals who themselves work in fields such as film/video production, fashion design, music, dance, poetry and other disciplines, the camp supports young people working at the heart of entrepreneurship, technology, and the creative arts.
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Explore our other guest curators' selections and see what organizations they support.