Ingredients for Peace
Hsin Hsi Chen
Zephr, paper on pencil, 17"x21"
I am devoted to finding the truth of the human spirit. My work represents the synchronicity of events that surrounds the relationship between humans and nature in a black-and-white world.
Claudia DeMonte
Amphora: Women of the World, acrylic on paper, 23"x27"
This work is inspired by Greek vase painting, one of the earliest art forms to regularly depict women. As these women hold forth our world, they depict the essential role of women in securing global peace.
Dorothy Fall
Guardian of Truth, handmade pulp painting and cast paper, 30"x30"
Events in Cambodia, where I lived in 1962, have propelled me to comment through my art. I have chosen Garuda, on whose shoulders the God Krishna usually rides, to be the guardian of the truth, symbolized by the attached volumes.
Mother Goddess, photograph, 27"x 35"
The Goddess is Parvati, benign Mother Goddess, consort to Shiva. Her temple is the open air under a sacred tree which also holds the power of the DIVINE. On the other side of the tree is a Shiva shrine, for male and female aspects of the Divine can never be seperated. They are forms of the formless Absolute Divine Power. Part of her prayer: You who are eternally the form of the whole are the supreme knowledge.
Allison Hildreth
Aspiration, oil on canvas, 16"x16"
In the process of creating, I feel most alive in myself in a concious way. It is from this place that I feel there is a pattern that connects us all, and that we are parts of a whole. I have been using flight as a metaphor for our aspirations to reach beyond our grasp to shared goals of compassion and balance in our lives.
Sofia Kifle
Peace, acrylic on paper, 25" x 40"
Peace is everything... it is free will
Peace is abstract and complex
Peace is oneness within and with the universe
Peace is freedom
Peace is harmony. It is quiet, warm and balanced.
Peace is equilibrium.
Peace is the center of our existence.
Peace is the core of our humanity.
Alice Neel
Mother & Child, 1930, oil on canvas, 30"x24"
© Estate of Alice Neel, courtesy Robert Miller Gallery
Look at what's happening to us. Do you think we want to die of a nuclear thing? Do you want your son to go to war? We are powerless. I can't bear that. I hate to be powerless, so I live by myself and do all these pictures, and I get an illlusion of power, which I know is only an illusion, but still I can have it because I'm not confronted with this grim reality.
Wendy Ross , Millefiore
welded steel sculpture, 30" round In my mind, the circle carries within it the highest level of integration. In Millefiore, the sphere mediates the inside and outside environment, embracing rather than displacing
the surrounding space. Within its composition, a visually unifying rhythm is expressed in the curved and intersecting "lines and dots" of steel.
Alice Spencer
Pattern Matrix, acrylic and sand on plaster and board, 23 ½" x 23 ½"
No pattern is an isolated entity. Each pattern can exist in the world only to the extent that it is supported by other patterns. The world becomes coherent and whole in the interlocking of this webwork of pattern. The work that I do each day in my studio becomes part of the
larger design.
Nancy Spero
Greek and Roman, 1993, handprinting and printed collage on paper, 24 ½" x 39"
The figures in my work are culled from ages and epochs, media and mind. Despite their diversity of origin, they are all women - coexisting in a compression of time and history to present a new voice.